
20 Advices for a Successful Long Distance Relationship

Back in the day, it was nearly impossible to hold a long distance relationship. While it’s still tough today, you have more options to stay connected. It’s possible to stay in contact in real time and you can see each other any time you want via Skype. Of course, it’s not easy.

Your lives are separate and sometimes that can make you feel lonely. It hurts to be away from the person that you love. However, there are some things you can do to keep your long-distance relationship working just fine. In this article, I am going to discuss 20 advice that will help you out with it. Let’s start.

How to Make Long Distance Relationship Work?

Even if you can speak to each other every day, you miss out on the physical aspects of a relationship like holding hands, dining across a table, sleeping in the same bed, and drinking coffee. Sometimes you miss your partner and want to be with them. However, you may do certain everyday actions to ease the pain.

Here are the 20 most valuable pieces of advice for a long-distance relationship.

1. Don’t Chat too Much

While you may miss your love, trying to overcompensate with hours of chat every day could actually be detrimental to your relationship. You may find yourself stretched as you give so much of yourself. Be invested 100% for a short period of time per day.

That’s a lot more effective to show your love. It is a good idea not to chat too much since it can affect the intimacy of your relationship. Your partner might get bored or even annoyed if you keep a constant contact with him/her.

Don't Chat too Much

2. Embrace Independence

This is the time in your life when you have the opportunity to be independent. It is a test of your love and shouldn’t be feared in any way. This is where you get to put faith in something and when you make it through, your love can be stronger than most.

The key to adopting independence is to give your partner the space he/she needs to live their own life. It helps in keeping the bond between you two strong and also builds trust with each other.

Embrace Independence

3. Communicate About Expectations

In a long-distance relationship, it’s important to be clear about what you expect from your partner and vice versa. Discuss if you will be exclusive throughout your separation and what your level of commitment really is.

A person cannot understand your expectations if you don’t explain them properly. So, it is important to share the outcome expectation of your relationship’s dynamics to keep it going.

Communicate About Expectations

4. Be Imaginative

It’s important to wish each other a good day in the morning or a goodnight before bed. Let them know what’s happening in your life. Send pics and videos so your partner can share your life no matter how far away and maintain the feeling that they are loved.

Be Imaginative

5. Document Your Life’s Moments

Another intimate way to keep a healthy long-distance relationship is by documenting your life’s moments. Since you guys are far apart, it’s not possible to show your partner what’s going on in your life. So, document happy moments by capturing pictures and videos and sharing them with your partner.

Document Your Life’s Moments

6. Avoid Potential Hook Ups

If you go clubbing with friends, be cautious. Don’t allow yourself to get too drunk or get too flirtatious. Just keep in mind how it would feel if your partner cheated on you. Being in a long-distance relationship is vulnerable due to these reasons.

A person sometimes gets away with emotions and starts talking way too much with other people which can potentially harm the long-distance relationship.

Avoid Potential Hook Ups

7. Movie Date

Watch the same movie together or maybe play the same game at the same time. It is a great way to spend time together while being in a long-term relationship. Technology has made things easier for couples. Many online movie platforms allow people to watch movies and videos together. It’s a fun way to spend time with each other despite the distance.

Movie Date

8. See Each Other

Put those air miles to use and visit one another when you can. This is the icing on the cake when you spend a lot of time apart. Imagine how excited you’ll be to hug and hold each other. No matter how much effort you put into a long-distance relationship, things can go south if you don’t see each other physically. Also, pick a good dating spot next time you see each other to have a good time.

See Each Other

9. Have an End Game

While you can maintain a long-distance relationship, there needs to be a time set up where you will eventually be together. Figure out together what it’s going to take to live in the same area and work towards making it happen.

When you’re in a physical relationship, talking about the end-game can wait since you see each other frequently. For a long-distance relationship, figuring out the end game as soon as possible is important so that you don’t waste each other’s time.

Have an End Game

10. Appreciate Where You Are

You may not be with your partner but that doesn’t mean you’re alone. If there are family or friends where you are, spend time with them. Build a life for the time being and do some activities.

Being with your partner shouldn’t be the only thing around which your life revolves. In fact, having a good relationship with friends and family ultimately enriches the relationship with your partner.

Appreciate Where You Are

11. Be Truthful

There are bound to be some times when you and your partner have negative emotions in your long-distance relationship. Talk it through whether it’s fear, insecurity or just feeling really far away. Don’t go it alone, chances are your partner feels the same way sometimes.

Communication and honesty are two important factors that can make or break your relationship. Whenever you feel like sharing a fact or a general thing about your life, don’t hold it back, and share it with your partner immediately.

Be Truthful

12. Schedule Updates

It’s important to know when you can contact your partner. If you text and it takes hours or a day to get a response back, you may start to freak out. They may have been in a conference all day or had another important engagement.

To avoid stress or worry, it’s important to let each other know when you’re free. Sometimes, both of you might be too busy to share details about each other’s lives. So, scheduling helps keep living busy lives while keeping the partner updated with it as well.

Schedule Updates

13. Be Social with Each Other

Social networking will let you in on your partner’s thoughts and activities. By no means am I suggesting stalking your partner. Just check out their photos and tweets offering messages of inspiration and support.

Another great way to socialize is by adding your partner’s friends as “mutual friends” on different social media platforms. It helps understand what type of gathering your partner lives in or deals with.

Be Social with Each Other

14. A Memento

Having something solid to hold onto is a nice way to keep your love close to you. It could be a ring or a CD with music that reminds each other of their love. Whatever represents you is something you can give to your partner so they can remember you always.

Although it may not seem like a big thing, having such an object can have a positive impact on your overall emotionality toward the relationship. So, if you don’t have such an object, ask for it from your partner next time you see each other.

A Memento

15. Send Packages

Getting a package or even a letter in the mail means so much. So, try sending goods in the form of gifts to make the day of your partner. Another great idea is to send handwritten letters to keep the intimacy alive. Also, don’t shy away from sending gifts to celebrate the milestone days of the relationship.

Send Packages

16. Don’t Give up Hope

While it’s not always easy to be optimistic all the time, it’s important to not lose hope in a long-distance relationship. This is where you start to trip up from frustration and potentially make decisions that will ruin the love you have. Dealing with such issues is easier in a normal relationship.

Things get complicated when you guys aren’t together. Communication barriers and other factors make things even worse. So, take your time and be patient. Things usually get sorted out on their own.

Don't Give up Hope

17. Be Grateful

Hold on to your appreciation for your mate and all the good things they bring into your life. Try to picture your life without your mate. Keep in mind the joy they provide you through their words or the comfort of receiving daily well-wishes.

Try focusing on the little details you share and the happy moments spent together. It helps in understanding the value and not taking the relationship for granted.

Be Grateful

18. Video Chat

Technology is a beautiful thing so use it. Have video chats from time to time so you can see each other smile. It’s a great way to connect with each other and helps communicate better. Calling and testing are good but people usually communicate differently on a video call. Video calling each other on occasions like birthdays is also something to try.

 Video Chat

19. Trust

It’s really important to trust your partner. It may not always be easy but if you don’t, it will eat you up and you’ll likely have to end it. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Committing with each other demands trust which is even more important when you’re far away from each other.

No doubt, it is something that demands a high level of courage. But showing this courage to trust another soul usually ends up being a good thing in life.


20. Update Each Other

Conflicts are a normal thing in a relationship. However, they can cause a huge problem in long-distance relationships if you don’t sort them out carefully. It is important to solve any type of conflict wisely. The key to doing that is effective communication. Sometimes, you might even have to sacrifice your interest in order to resolve a fight. So, have guts and resolve issues wisely for mutual benefit.

Update Each Other

Final Words

Having a long-distance relationship has become comparatively easier in the past few decades. Technology allows constant contact with partners keeping things smooth and streamlined. However, maintaining such a relationship is more than just keeping a contact with each other.

It involves things like effective communication, sending gifts, resolving conflicts wisely, and more. So, try implementing these pieces of advice to have an ever-lasting and healthy long-distance relationship.

Ahmed Raza

Ahmad in a nutshell is product of passion, enthusiasm and adventure. He loves to write around anything that involves behaviors, art, business and what makes people happier. He also shares his business and lifestyle content on and

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  1. Thank you, to whom ever wrote the advice for a long-distance relationship. Because me and my boyfriend live far from each other. He lives in North Carolina now. I live in Hialeah. Our relationship is unbelievable how perfect it is.

  2. It is not that easy, sometimes you feel like seeing your love but nature keeps you far from her/him, am deeply in love with my queen and we live very far from each, i live in lagos while she lives in imo both in nigeria, i urge my fellows in distance relatiönship not to give up

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