
The Art of Sneezing Without Looking Weird in Public

AHHHH… AHHH… CHOOO! Hundred of eyes looking at me in the crowd. Did I just do something wrong? Of course not, right? However, the sound was a little attention grabbing, but eyes, guys make me feel uncomfortable. Then, I did research on the art of sneezing without looking weird in public and got to know some facts.

Surprisingly, the tactic works the same for my friend and I consider it worth sharing. Although you need a little practice to adapt things in your way, you will also learn the art easily. So, without waiting for another sneeze, let’s start adopting!

What is the Art of Sneezing in Public?

There are some tactics to sneeze in public without making yourself seem weird and uncomfortable. Here are some:

Use a Tissue

When you feel a tickle in your nasal cavity, then immediately take out a tissue from your pocket and cover your nose and mouth. Covering yourself first is necessary and hygienic as well. This practice won’t make you awkward in the crowd.

Throw The Used Tissue

You should throw the used tissue in the bin because like banana peel throwing tissue on the floor is littering. Further, it is considered in manners and etiquette to live in a society, showcasing your parenting and civilization.

Don’t Sneeze on Others

Covering your mouth and nose was done purposely to not sneeze on others and if you do the same after doing so what is the purpose of the tissue then? It is cringe to sneeze on others and doesn’t make you a cool person, but a cringe person.

Wash Your Hands

After all that (Ahh.. Ahh… Choo) procedure, you should wash your hands in a water basin in the washroom. This will get germs and dust and mucus away if any on your hand. Further, you should also apply sanitizer to make your hands clean completely.

Avoid Using Your Elbow

Some people use their elbows when they sneeze, but that’s not a hygienic way. Therefore, you should avoid using your elbow when sneezing to keep your clothes and arms clean. Hands can be washed easily, but washing elbows is difficult to clean as compared to hands.

Why You Sneeze? (Why Do I Sneeze So Much?)

What is the Art of Sneezing in Public?

Sneezing is totally natural because there are dust particles present in the air and pollen grains that make you sneeze. If you are allergic to pollen grains, then you will sneeze too much if any grain comes into your nose. That’s why you sneeze and I sneeze so much in the open areas.

The human nose is called the silencer, which reduces the sound of inhaling air to your body. Further, it works to expel unwanted or dangerous particles and germs away from your body to keep it sound and healthy.

As mentioned, sneezing is a natural and semiautonomous action just like blinking and breathing, which means you can control it. You have a little conscious to stop sneezing for a while, but stopping it for a long is risky.

Does Your Heart Stop When You Sneeze?

For years, it has been a myth that a person’s heart stops when he sneezes although it is busted. Your Heart doesn’t stop when you sneeze, but it changes its rhythm momentarily while circulating blood in your body.

The human heart is not so weak that a sneeze will make it stop from pumping blood. It will come back to its original state after a while when you sneeze. The art of sneezing also handles this state where your heart changes its rhythm.

Can You Sneeze in Your Sleep?

Look, the answer may seem tricky because it is possible to sneeze while sleeping and not as well. If you are sleeping consciously means you’re eyes are closed and you are about to sleep, then you can sneeze.

Although in the state of proper sleep, you can’t sneeze because your conscious mind is sleeping right now. Further, it can’t be able to expel germs, dust particles, and pollen grains, but you will get out of sleep if such a condition occurs.

How To Make Yourself Sneeze?

If you’re feeling a tickling sensation and want to clear it up if something is in your nasal cavity, sneeze. Although how to make yourself sneeze. Don’t there are many ways to make yourself sneeze, but you should remember the art of sneezing in public. Some ways to make yourself sneeze are as follows:

  • Wiggle a tissue or paper in your nose
  • Try to look up for the bright
  • Sniff dusty particles
  • Tweeze your brows
  • Sniff a spice
  • Pluck nose hair
  • Get yourself a fizzy drink


Q1- Why do people say bless you when you sneeze?

People say “Bless You” when you sneeze because it is believed that a person only sneezes when he is ill. Further, people used to say, “God Bless You” to ask God for mercy to you.

Q2- Why do dogs sneeze?

Just like humans, dogs also sneeze when they feel tickly feeling in their nasal cavity due to dust, pollen, and allergic particles. Sometimes, they sneeze to expel the foreign object stuck in their nose.

Q3- Why do I sneeze after I eat?

You do sneeze after you eat because of a reflex called a snatiation reflex. When your stomach gets a full appetite and stretches, then it signals to trigger a sneeze.

Q4- Why do I pee when I sneeze?

If you pee when you sneeze, then it is often caused by a state called stress incontinence. This is the state when a sudden pressure comes to your bladder and it releases a few drops of pee. It is the only way it has to make itself relax under such pressure.

Q5- Can you sneeze with your eyes open?

Yes, it is possible to sneeze with your eyes open because people instinctively close their eyes while sneezing. That’s an autonomous reflex that you can purposely choose to do or not.

Q6- What happens when you sneeze?

When you sneeze a sudden reflexive force works on your nasal cavity to propel the dust and other allergic particles away. Further, it causes a sensation in your nose and mouth as well.

Loraine Couturier

Loraine Couturier is a bizarre category writer for WiseToast, known for her ability to transform the strange and surreal into attractive narratives. She blends humor, intellect, and curiosity to explore the world’s oddities for readers with a fresh perspective on the unusual and unexplained.

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