Rihanna Net worth

Rihanna Net worth Latest Rankings and Complete Details
Full Name:

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Net Worth: $75 Million
Last Updated On:January 20, 2017
See MoreActors

Net worth of Rihanna and her lifestyle:

Rihanna is a Barbadian singer and a songwriter as well. Her full name is Robyn Rihanna Fenty. At the age of 18, she entered in the list of top 20 pop singers. After winning a singing contest her life is truly changed.

How Rich Rihanna is and what are her activities?

Her net worth is US 210 million dollars. She is popular as a singer and an actress as well. Her famous albums are Loud, Rated R, Good Girl Gone Bad, A girl like me, Music of the Sun. And the total amount she earns from all these albums about US $35,728,000. The maximum earning she earns from Loud album about  US$ 10,000,000.

Bio data of Rihanna:

  1. Full name: her full name is Robyn Rihanna Fenty.
  2. Date of Birth: she born on February 20, 1988.
  3. Birth place: her birth place is in the United States.
  4. Marital Status: she is single
  5. Occupation: she is a singer and an actress as well.
  6. Family: her mother is Monica Braithwaite, father Ronald Fenty, and siblings named as Chris Brown, josh Hartnett, Ryan Phillippe.

Lifestyle of  Rihanna:

Her home is located in an estate called the Platinum Triangle in the Beverly Hills of Los Angeles, California. Her mansion is designed elegantly and have all the facilities to make it luxurious. The furniture is just according to the entire interior of the mansion. The mansion has 8 bedrooms, media room, den, breakfast, 3 fireplaces and 10 bathrooms as well.  The hallways, bedrooms and the living rooms are also decorated with the huge paintings as well.

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rihanna home house The Pacific Palisades

The Pacific Palisades Mansion is another mansion Rihanna purchased it for US $12 million. It is located in Pacific Palisades, California. The mansion is situated on 11,000 sq.ft having 7 be4drooms and 9 bathrooms.

Dancing, watching movies, shopping and paddle boarding are the hobbies of Rihanna.

Rihanna Porsche 911 car

She has her own classy 6th generation Porsche 911 turbo sports car. The car has enhanced engine performance with high speed.


Rihanna Car Chevorlet Suburban LTZ

She has America’s most trusted car models, the Chevolet Suburban LTZ. The car has handsome new looks.

Rihanna loves to spend her holidays on the island of Saint Tropez named as French Mediterranean. She visits Barbados mostly in the Christmas Holidays. It is a fact that most singers spend their Christmas holidays in their native place.  She also enjoys a lot Hawaii Vacation on Hawaii Island.

Rihanna is very generous and spend her enough wealth for charitable purposes. She supports the food charity “Feeding America” which helps the hungry Americans. She also stands for the Red Cross foundation.

How much Rihanna earns annually?

She earns about US $28,500,00 annually.

Ahmad in a nutshell is product of passion, enthusiasm and adventure. He loves to write around anything that involves behaviors, art, business and what makes people happier.

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