
20 Simple Mindfulness Practices for Daily Life

Our lives have become a lot busier and we rarely have time to reflect and be mindful. Living in the moment, one can feel everything more profoundly, and stress levels start decreasing while the level of wellness rises.

Incorporating mindfulness techniques into the day doesn’t have to be difficult or take hours out of one’s day. Indeed, even minor, and even trivial, steps can be quite effective. In this guide, I am going to discuss simple yet amazing mindfulness practices that you can apply in your daily life to be happy.

20 Mindfulness Practices You Can Do Every Day

Here are 20 simple mindfulness practices to incorporate into your routine.

1 – Start Your Day with Intentions

In the morning, it is not good to rush through the day’s preparations, as this will only create a wrong perception that the faster you are ready, the better it is. Instead, take a few minutes to set goals for the day. 

This practice serves to focus thinking and rightly guides actions towards what you aim to achieve. When you have a clear idea of what you would like to accomplish in the day or in life, you create awareness from the very beginning. Practice taking deep breaths and thinking about how you would like the day to be, which helps to reduce anxiety and be more effective.

2 – Breathe Deeply Throughout the Day

Deep breathing is one of the simplest things that one can do to regulate their nervous system back to normal. It is also important to try to set alarm clocks at some certain time of the day to remind yourself that it is time to take a deep and slow breath.

The easiest form of breathing is to inhale to a four-count, then pause for four counts, and finally exhale to a six-count. This short exercise is very useful in order to decrease stress, concentrate on work, and make life a little happier.

Breathe Deeply Throughout the Day

3 – Practice Gratitude Daily

Practicing gratitude daily is one of the best mindfulness practices you should try out. Count the things that you are thankful for five minutes of the day. 

It helps in the process of shifting attention from the fact that something is lost to the fact that something is found. It is recommended to try to write down things that you are thankful for. However, spending a few minutes before going to sleep and counting these things is also a great idea. 

4 – Eat with Full Attention

Avoid eating with your eyes on the television screen or a computer screen at work and try to concentrate on eating. Focus on the tastes, the structures, and the smells of the food. Eat slowly and try to have a proper taste of the food. It also helps in digestion and also makes you enjoy the food more. This can prevent some bad things like overeating and also help focus on healthy eating habits.

5 – Take Mindful Breaks at Work

This is probably one of the best tips that anyone can follow if they are in the professional field. It is very easy to get so wrapped up in work. 

This is a reminder that getting up from the desk for a few minutes can be very productive. This is the time you should use to open the door and go out for a simple walk. These breaks make the brain relax and reduce stress all through the day. Reduced anxiety results in better work productivity as well.

6 – Move Mindfully During Exercise

Whether you are taking a walk, doing yoga, or lifting weights, being mindful helps in your workout and can help the body and mind. With each exercise, concentrate on the body’s sensations and the breathing. It also helps in keeping you active and aware of the body which increases the effectiveness of the exercise and decreases the chances of an injury.

Move Mindfully During Exercise

7 – Sleep with Proper Preparation

Proper sleep is essential for our brains to work properly. Create a sleep schedule that will help the mind and the body to cooperate with each other better. This could include things as simple as turning off the lights, not using screens, taking deep breaths, or gentle stretching.

Performing such actions gives the brain a signal that it’s time to sleep and take rest. As a result, you fall asleep early and take a long and deep sleep.

8 – Cultivate Presence in Conversations

When in a conversation, listen to the other person properly. Instead of worrying about what the next thing to say is, try to understand the emotions and the compassion of the person who is talking. 

Watch how he talks, what he says, and how moves. Approaching one of these mindfulness practices is more effective because it enables you to better understand people and results in more conscious and meaningful conversations.

9 – Mindfully Engage with Technology

It is so simple to get lost in screens these days since our lives are dependent on technology. Rather than aimlessly scrolling through Facebook or going through the inbox, use mindfulness to set rules around technology usage. Avoid using a screen during mealtime or before going to bed and avoid multitasking. Technology is indeed the need of modern times. 

However, you need to put a limit on the screen usage time to stay focused on more meaningful things like spending time with your family.

Mindfully Engage with Technology

10 – Mindful Cleaning and Organizing

Cleaning the dishes or washing the clothes may not be exciting, but it is a great opportunity for relaxation. If you are washing dishes or sorting clothes, do it with complete focus and avoid overthinking during the process.

It’s a small activity but can have a huge impact on our overall mental health. It’s important to keep on following this activity for a long time in order to be more mindful of the surroundings and get engaged in whatever things you do in your daily life.

11 – Practice Self-Compassion

Being mindful cannot be done without having self-love and self-compassion. It’s important to keep on appreciating yourself for your struggles and hard work. It helps avoid negative and not punish yourself for the things that go wrong.

So, be nice to yourself even in the confusing times. Give yourself the love and tolerance that one would give to a friend. This helps in building emotional strength and improves the overall mental health.

12 – Commute Mindfully

Commuting to work or just cruising around to run some errands can sometimes be very boring. Still, it’s a good opportunity to pay attention to what you are doing and why you are doing it. 

When in a car, on a bike, or even on a bus, look at the things that you see, listen to what you hear, and feel them properly. Take deep breaths or use this opportunity to count the blessings. This can make you reach the destination by being calm and focused on the tasks ahead.

13 – Walking in Nature

Being outdoors is one of the easiest ways to be mindful. For stress reduction, take a walk in a park, in the forest, or any natural environment. Even focus on the sounds of the birds, the terrain of the ground, and the colors of trees and flowers. Being in nature is less stressful, and taking a mindful walk just brings you back to reality.

Walking in Nature

14 – Listening to Music

Music can affect our feelings. To take mindfulness practices to the next level, listen to a song you like with a focus on the instruments used, the beat, and the tune. Let the music influence the feelings and body experiences so that you can stay in the present moment. It can also be very helpful and make a lot of stress disappear. This practice can also be incredibly therapeutic and stress-relieving.

15 – Mindful Journaling

Journaling is a scientifically proven way of living a stress-free life. Try to set aside a few minutes every day to write something that you experienced or something that you saw or heard. There’s no need to follow any particular pattern and just write whatever you want. 

It helps you to focus and is also good for dealing with feelings and emotions. It also allows being mindful of the day that has just passed and all that has happened in it.

Mindful Journaling

16 – Time Management

Awareness of time means being conscious of how time is spent all day. Do not let yourself get tired by your list of things to do; rather, try to do each task in a specific manner. We mostly spend our days gossiping with co-workers and overthinking for no reason.

Avoid doing such things. Instead, create a proper timetable and try to stick to it. Add different time blocks for different tasks and complete them on time. Well-managed time helps in staying away from unnecessary worries which helps live a healthy lifestyle. 

17 – Practice Breathing During Stress

Stress is a condition that makes the body alert to prepare for either fighting or fleeing. To balance this, try to practice deep breathing. Calm your breathing and take deep and slow breaths as you do the exercises. 

It helps the body send signals to the brain that there is no danger, and it helps in supporting some of the physical symptoms of stress. Breathing exercise is one of the simplest and fastest ways of helping to relax in a stressful situation.

18 – Visualization

Visualization is a powerful technique that helps to be more aware of life. It is based on the idea of visualization of how your upcoming life is going to be. It goes from visualizing the upcoming week to visualizing the whole life according to preference.

Simply close your eyes and start imagining the things you want to do. It’s a great habit that helps us understand how to live the upcoming day. However, it is important to only focus on the positive things and avoid thinking negative ideas about the future.

19 – Reflection Before Bed

Just before going to bed, try to find a few minutes to think about the day that has just passed. Think about what was positive and what negative could be concluded from it. If you concentrate on the nice part of the day, you completely focus on practicing gratitude. Even if the day was a little bad, it’s a great chance to focus on personal improvement. This practice helps achieve a feeling of closure and makes you ready for sleep.

20 – Let Go of Perfection

The concept of mindfulness includes an understanding that things are as they are and should be taken in that way without criticism. Give up on the desire to be perfect in everything that you do. More importantly, do not attempt to be perfect. Be comfortable with being who you are. This change, of course, saves you from undue stress and allows you to direct your energies towards the present.

Sum Up

Many of the mindfulness exercises, such as mindful breathing, eating, and walking, can be done at any time and in any place. It is all about presence and consistency. They bring mental clarity, improve the quality of life, and sustain the relationship of a person with himself or herself and the environment. 

From small steps, and gradually increasing comfort, one can achieve a dramatic shift in the quality of daily life, reduced stress, improved concentration, and increased peace.


What is the difference between mindfulness and meditation?

Mindfulness is to pay attention in the present time and to let go of whatever appears in one’s mind without the intention to speak of it; meditation is rather a formal way of practicing mindfulness.

How long do I need mindfulness practices each day to see the benefits?

One can find significant improvement after a short time of practicing mindfulness. Patience is the secret here, and therefore incorporate mindfulness into your daily schedule, if only for a couple of minutes.

Can mindfulness help reduce anxiety?

Yes, mindfulness practices do help cut out anxiety since it helps one stay in the real world rather than brood on past events or events that have not occurred in the future.

Ahmed Raza

Ahmad in a nutshell is product of passion, enthusiasm and adventure. He loves to write around anything that involves behaviors, art, business and what makes people happier. He also shares his business and lifestyle content on entrepreneur.com and lifehack.org.

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