
What Eats Snakes? A List of Snake Predator

Snakes are fascinating creatures that play a vital role in ecosystems worldwide. But while snakes often occupy the position of a predator, they’re not invincible. They too fall prey to a variety of animals, as snakes catch mice, but do you know what eats snakes? Probably, you may have heard of certain animals!

Although there is a complete list of predators in the ecosystem because nature works in a cruel way. Exactly, you can say that nature is cruel and doesn’t pity anyone, and it only works on the food chain formulae.

So, let’s see what predator eats predators!

What Eats Snakes in the Food Chain?

What happens in a Food Chain? A Food Chain is a prey circle of animals, which starts with the Solar, the Sun, and then plants forward it further. At some point in the food chain, a predator becomes the prey of another predator.

Snake is a predator in nature, but some animals eat snakes, which means a predator becomes prey. Additionally, that’s what do we call an organism that eats insects snakes and scorpions.

Here is the list of what eats snakes in the food chain:

  • Kingsnake
  • Mongoose
  • Wolverine
  • American Badger
  • Bobcat
  • Hedgehog
  • Accipitridae
  • Humans
Food Chain

1. What Eats Snakes in the Desert?

Kingsnakes and Mongooses are both species adapted to the culture and environment they live in. Often, they live in the desert and hunt for snakes to complete their diet. Here are the details of these species:

1 – Kingsnake (What Snake Eats Other Snakes)


Kingsnakes are reptiles and also related to the snakes family. They can hunt and kill their brothers even from another mother. Mostly, they eat insects and other reptiles but have a natural occurrence of killing snakes and lizards. Salamanders are their favorite dish to eat.

They just find a snake in nature and wrap their body against their until they stop resisting. When they confirm their death, they swallow them at once and continue their hunting and living process.

2 – Mongoose


Mongoose are weasel-like animals that normally eat small mammals and reptiles, including snakes and frogs. No matter if the snake is venomous or not, they have a powerful digestive system to eat snakes without worrying about their venom.

They have the speed and agility to dodge snake venom and they use these natural reflexes to hunt snakes. In addition, they can even hunt black mambas and king cobras. They often climb trees to find snakes and dance in front of them to strike their heads out until they are tired.

2. What Eats Snakes in the Forest?

Here comes the Wolverines and American Badgers that are included in the what eats snakes in the forest category. Let’s get straight to their details.

1 – Wolverine


Wolverines are also natural predators like snakes. They look like badgers, but they have a flat head and white fur on their chest, which is normal. Wolverines naturally prey on Arctic foxes to eat and continue to follow up the food chain formula.

They normally hide behind trees and stones and when snakes arrive, they jump on them to pounce them. As we have mentioned, they are like badgers and have small legs so they can’t run after prey. Therefore, they hide and await for their prey to come to them.

2 – American Badger

American Badger

The badger family is related to carnivorous mammal species. American badgers eat Marmot normally, but they can sniff out a snake to dig them from the hole to eat them out. They have a short tail and a wide body with short legs.

American badgers use their powerful claws to dig snakes from their holes and show their predating skills to them. They usually immobilize them with their distinctive smell and sink their claws in their heads to kill and swallow them at once.

3. What Eats Snakes in the Savanna?

Bobcats and Hedgehog both live in Savanna and forests in Africa, including the eastern and central areas. Here are some details about these species.

1 – Bobcat


Bobcats look like tigers, but in small sizes, like they have distinctive marks on their fur with muscular bodies. They are related to the cat family, usually live in the Savanna forest, and have the capability to climb a tree. Although their favourite dish is squirrels, often they hunt snakes.

They use their sharpened claw to sink snakes’ heads. In addition, they are natural predators that kill their prey by slapping them on the ground. At the moment when the prey becomes dead, they sink their claws in their head and swallow them.

2 – Hedgehog


A hedgehog is a member of the mammals family, structurally a small round shaped organism, covering its back with spines. It used to cover its body with spines and shoot spines on a snake. When the prey is caught in their bristles spines, it bites snakes from their necks.

Hedgehog has a potential nose that can smell a scent from miles away. Its ears are also efficient and assist them in hearing little voices. The hedgehog family eats a variety of reptiles and mammals also, including mice, centipedes, and snails.

4. What Eats Snakes in the Grasslands?

Accipitridae and humans are species that can live in a variety of habitats and grasslands are one of these. Here are details of these species:

1 – Accipitridae (What Bird Eats Snakes)


The Accipitridae family eats snakes happily. Whether they are related to snake eagles, cooper’s hawks, or serpent eagles, they used to prey on snakes and get flesh out of their bodies to continue their lunch. The sharp nails on their feet help them cut snakes’ skin while preying.

In addition, they often eat snakes after tearing them apart and taking flight but seldom eat snakes on the ground. When they finish with talons, they may swallow their prey or make them into two parts with their beaks through the nest.

2 – Humans


Finally, how humans can run out of the race. In some cultures eating snakes is normal and considered healthy as well. Chinese culture is winning the race through numbers after crossing Africa and the United States of America. Further, humans who live in grassland also eat snakes.

Although other cultures take eating snakes as one of the weird foods to eat. Whether these cultures fry snakes or roost them, they will pocket some benefits like bodily ailments, nourishment of blood, and improvement in skin tissues for glass skin.

The Closing Note

Animals live and eat according to the food chain, whether in the marine water, rainforest, or wild. As you know mice eat rice and other micro things, but do you what eats snakes? Exactly what we included in the list. In the above mentioned list, we have put together some animals that can eat snakes no matter if they are venomous.

There are multiple animals that can eat snakes, but we have enlisted famous ones that you may encounter sometimes in the forest. Humans are on the list because in some cultures eating snakes is normal and healthy.


Q1. What eats garter snakes?

A lot of animals eat garter snakes, like skunks, hawks, squirrels, weasels, mink, and raccoons.

Q2. What eats coral snakes?

Some species of snakes and birds eat coral snakes.

Q3. What eats rattle snakes?

Rattle snakes can be eaten by several mammals and birds.

Q4. What eats sea snakes?

There is a variety of sea animals that eat sea snakes, like sharks, bony fish, eels, and more.

Q5. What eats large snakes?

Large snakes can be eaten by their own species like anaconda eat anaconda, and some mammals also eat large snakes, humans prominently.

Loraine Couturier

Loraine Couturier is a bizarre category writer for WiseToast, known for her ability to transform the strange and surreal into attractive narratives. She blends humor, intellect, and curiosity to explore the world’s oddities for readers with a fresh perspective on the unusual and unexplained.

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