

12 Different Types of Leadership Styles

According to Research by asaecenter, leadership style is the way a person uses power to lead other people. Research has identified a variety of leadership styles based on the number of followers. The most appropriate…

45 Most Famous Paintings of All Times

The best paintings simply take your breath away! They have a unique theme or a new painting style that makes it to standout in this crowded field. Many of these paintings are a testimony to the skill and talents of many…

40 Cute and Funny Questions to Ask a Guy

There are a wide array of questions you can ask a guy you’re interested in. Asking these questions will not only give you a gateway to his mind. They also serve as a way to open him up to you. Some are strategic methods to…

Michael Douglas Net Worth

Michael Douglas net worth is $300 million as he is a great film maker, actor and on of the biggest shakers and movers in America.  He was born in September 25, 1944. The British actress Diana Dill was his mother and movie…

Catherine Zeta Jones Net Worth

Catherine Zeta Jones net worth is $45 million. Catherine is an American most popular and demanding actress. She is a British actress who is popular for her brilliant performances in blockbuster movies. She started her career…